Joop Franke

Joop Franke

Honorary Fellow at the Business Continuity Institute

Joop Franke started with Business Continuity Management in the mid-1980s as a result of a major IT disaster at his employer at the time. From then onwards, BCM has been his passion, mission and “hobby”. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute.

Joop is a passionate lecturer in Business Continuity Management. He is responsible for developing BCM education programs. Students sometimes call him an “entertrainer”. His motto is, “The primary business of every business is to stay in business.”

As a result of a calamity at his former employer, he will share all his knowledge about calamities so that students can better prepare their organizations for potential disasters.

Joop is also the lead developer of SECO-Institute’s Business Continuity Certification track.

Trainer for the following courses:
Business Continuity Foundation

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